The Name and Gender Change guides below provide an outline for adult and minor Ohio residents to change their name and/or gender marker on identity documents and other records. The process varies from county to county, so we have included additional guides based on your county of residence.
Keep in mind that each person may have unique needs or goals that require a different approach, but the most common steps to name and gender marker change are below. This can be a daunting process, and we are happy to help guide you through the name and gender change steps.
We encourage you to attend our free Name & Gender Change Legal Clinics to discuss your specific situation and goals with a trained attorney.
We offer free legal assistance to help you change your name and gender marker on your identification. Register for one of our virtual legal clinics today.
Whether you are in transition or beyond. We offer an individualized approach with a compassionate and experienced care team at your side.
Download information about your county procedures.
Gender Affirming Care
You’re in the driver’s seat. You know where you want to go. We are the navigators—ready to get you there as quickly and safely as possible.
Stigma causes many trans and non-binary people to experience depression and other mental illness. But it doesn’t have to keep you from care.
Our pharmacy staff work at Equitas Health because they want to provide quality, affordable, affirming care to LGBTQ+ people.
Engaging in gender affirming care may feel like a giant leap. But you don’t have to take it alone.
What else can we help you with?
We define quality by how much we care, not how much we cost. From routine physicals to same-day sick care, we’re your partner on your health and wellness journey.
Primary Care about Primary CareIt’s your life and your HIV. At Equitas Health, we help you build a treatment plan that works for you. Not the other way around.
HIV Specialty Care about HIV Specialty CareKnowing is everything! Whether your result is negative or positive, your HIV/STI check can be the start of a new, healthy life.
HIV/STI Testing & Sexual Health Clinics about HIV/STI TestingEveryone deserves to be safe. We offer support and advocacy for LGBTQ+ people who have been the target of violence, abuse, and assault.
Survivor Support Services about Survivor SupportMost Ohioans qualify for programs that cover the cost of PrEP and related expenses. We can help you get connected!
PrEP care about Get PrEP Paid ForAre you concerned about your substance use? When you are ready to begin your recovery journey, we are ready to walk beside you.
Recovery & Addiction about Recovery & AddictionDon’t know what you don’t know? View our full list of services and build your care team. You deserve access to quality, affordable, affirming care!
Our Services about View All ServicesNew to TeleHealth? Your first medical or counseling visit with a smart phone, tablet, or PC will take a little time to set up. We would like to walk you through the steps, so you’ll be ready for your appointment.
Get Set for TeleHealth about TeleHealthFor People of Trans Experience
BreatheOut is a program by and for transgender and gender diverse folks who want to quit smoking. Ask your provider about the tools and support available to help you reach your health goals.
Learn More about Want to quit?