Gender Affirming Care | Equitas Health

Your Gender-Affirming Care Team

Our Gender-Affirming Care model is built on freedom and fairness. You have the freedom to name what you need and want from your medical care team. We are here to listen and help you know what choices you have. We want you to always be honest with yourself and us about your needs. Our goal is to gain your trust and help you find your sources of strength.


Your Gender-Affirming Care Plan

At Equitas Health, we believe our role is to help Trans and gender non-conforming people live truly. People in healthcare too often act as hurdles rather than facilitators. We use Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making when planning your care and prescribing hormones. This means that we will give you all the information you want and need, so you can make choices that are right for you.


Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy

The care team understands Gender Dysphoria and supports patients as they affirm their identity. At Equitas Health, you do not need an okay from a psychiatrist or therapist to start gender-affirming hormone therapy. Your care team will listen to you and help you map out a hormone plan to reach your goals, including those that affirm non-binary or genderqueer identities. We know that no two paths to affirmation are the same.

A banner advocating for Gender Affirming Care with a link to

Gender Affirming Care Guide

Whether you are considering medical affirmation for your genderqueer/non-binary identity, feminization, or masculinization, we hope you will find the information in this guide helpful.

DIY Gender Marker & Name Change Guide

Find instructions for changing your name and gender marker on identity documents

Legal Clinics

Get connected with free legal assistance with changing your name and gender marker on your identification.

Other Gender-Affirming Care services:

Our Gender-Affirming Care locations

Find Gender-Affirming Care at our medical centers throughout Ohio. We also offer TeleHealth visits.

Find a Location

Gender Affirming Care

For the Whole Person



New to TeleHealth? Your first medical or counseling visit with a smart phone, tablet, or PC will take a little time to set up. We would like to walk you through the steps, so you’ll be ready for your appointment.

Get Set for TeleHealth
Breathe Out

For People of Trans Experience

Want to quit?

BreatheOut is a program by and for transgender and gender diverse folks who want to quit smoking. Ask your provider about the tools and support available to help you reach your health goals.

Learn More

Equitas Health Gender Affirming Care


Elizabeth Roebuck, APRN
Nurse Practitioner
Keith DeLong
Nurse Practitioner
Shanna Stryker MD, MPH
Primary Care Physician
Teagan Vaughn, PharmD, RPh
Clinical Pharmacist