We are living through unparalleled times, but the challenges we face have shown us many things for which we are thankful. At Equitas Health, we are thankful for our tried and true frontline staff who have never stopped giving vital care throughout the pandemic. We are thankful for case managers who have ensured clients have access to lifesaving HIV medications, food, and shelter. We are thankful for the kind and unwavering support of donors like you.
With each gift, you bring more high impact prevention and health & wellness services to those at risk of or living with HIV/AIDS, the LGBTQ+ community, and others facing medical disparities who deserve the highest quality healthcare.
Our pharmacies reinvest all profits back into our programs and services. Your prescription can help pay for someone else’s lifesaving care.
If you are looking to make a monetary donation, whether you make a gift today or wish to make your gift over time, we are here to help. You can also choose to boost your generosity through employer-matching gifts and donor advised funds, which give you the most favorable tax benefits and the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you want to leave a legacy for yourself or a loved one, please consider gift planning and/or endowment funds.
Make a one-time gift of cash, check, credit card, or bank transfer. It is easy. You can make an impact right now. Consider giving securely online, by phone at (937) 461-2437, or by mail by sending a check made out to Equitas Health to:
Equitas Health
1105 Schrock Road, Suite 400
Columbus, OH 43229
Monthly giving is the easiest and most efficient way to help.
Our monthly donors ongoing support helps to make sure our clients and patients have access to the best healthcare possible. Your gift will help us achieve our mission to provide whole person healthcare to people living with HIV/AIDS in the form of case management, emergency financial assistance, housing, mental health treatment, and other support.
Additionally, your generosity supports HIV prevention and testing for those most at risk. You can have your monthly gift automatically charged to your credit card, which you can change at any time.
You can also arrange for your employer to set up your gift through payroll deduction. Please talk to your Human Resources department to learn more about this option.
Your employer can match your gift to Equitas Health dollar for dollar! Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double, even triple, a donation’s value.
Check with your company. (If you have questions about your company’s matching gift program, please contact your Human Resources department.) If your company does match donations made to Equitas Health, there are two ways to start their matching gifts:
The Equitas Health Tax ID Number (also known as an Employee Identification Number or EIN) is 31-1126780.
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that gives you the most favorable tax benefits and the ability to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor advised fund, you can recommend grants from your DAF to Equitas Health with DAF Direct(as long as your DAF’s sponsoring organization is participating).
How does it work?
Set up your DAF by making an irrevocable, tax deductible gift to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program. Tell the DAF how you would like to invest your gift (any investment growth is tax-free). Recommend grants to the charities you support with the option to remain anonymous.
Please talk to your personal financial planner to see if supporting Equitas Health with a DAF is the right choice for you, or call our Development office at (614) 340-6721 to learn more.
Your gift helps to keep the gateway to good health open for anyone seeking quality, affirming, and affordable healthcare.
Through your investment, Equitas Health will continue to be an innovative leader in the community by offering a welcoming healthcare home to those in need. By giving to Equitas Health, you and your advisors can be sure that your philanthropy maximizes the benefits of available tax incentives and creates a lasting and impactful legacy.
Leave a legacy by including Equitas Health in your will.
Your assets stay in your control during your lifetime, and you can alter your gift to address any change in circumstances
Make gifts from a charitable remainder trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy.
Naming Equitas Health as the beneficiary of a trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy will reduce the size of your taxable estate and avoid income tax on those funds.
Take advantage of the IRA Rollover charitable deduction.
This is one of the most tax effective ways to make a long-term gift. Your donation can count against your minimum required distribution.
If you need to know more about donor advised funds or planned giving options, we work closely with the professionals at The Columbus Foundation and The Dayton Foundation.
For more information, we would be happy to put a member of their Donor Services team in touch with you, or feel free to visitcolumbusfoundation.org or daytonfoundation.org.
Endowments exist in perpetuity. They are an excellent way to honor the memory of a loved one or living person. Your gift will have a significant impact on the strength of Equitas Health’s future by funding a source of ongoing income.
An endowment fund has been established at the Columbus Foundation to benefit Equitas Health. The Columbus Foundation will invest your gift to endowment, and the income will provide general operating support where the need is greatest.
A planned gift to the fund will create a living legacy for you and your family. It will touch all of Equitas Health, including critical life-sustaining services and prevention, education, and advocacy programs.
We welcome gifts of any amount. Every gift makes a difference.
We are forever grateful for all types of gifts. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your personal advisors to determine which planned giving arrangements work best for you. All inquiries and communications are strictly confidential and without obligation.
Contact the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, Tyler Benack, at (614) 643-6621 or tylerbenack@equitashealth.com.
Your gift support
We define quality by how much we care, not how much we cost. From routine physicals to same-day sick care, we’re your partner on your health and wellness journey.
Primary Care about Primary CareWhether you are in transition or beyond. We offer an individualized approach with a compassionate and experienced care team at your side.
Gender Affirming Care about Gender Affirming CareIt’s your life and your HIV. At Equitas Health, we help you build a treatment plan that works for you. Not the other way around.
HIV Specialty Care about HIV Specialty CareOur Institute offers online and in-person training to companies and organizations looking to create more LGBTQ+ affirming environments.
about Education & TrainingLife can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go it alone. Our counselors are here to help you accept and address your challenges on your terms.
Mental Health Counseling about Mental Health CounselingAre you concerned about your substance use? When you are ready to begin your recovery journey, we are ready to walk beside you.
Recovery & Addiction about Recovery & AddictionWe heal when we ask for help and when we help others. You do not have to be alone on your health journey. Find a community of support at Equitas Health.
Support Groups – Large Image Callouts about Support GroupsEveryone deserves to be safe. We offer support and advocacy for LGBTQ+ people who have been the target of violence, abuse, and assault.
Survivor Support Services about Survivor SupportLearn about our syringe exchange and overdose prevention services for people who use injection drugs.
Harm Reduction about Harm ReductionKnowing is everything! Whether your result is negative or positive, your HIV/STI check can be the start of a new, healthy life.
HIV/STI Testing & Sexual Health Clinics about HIV/STI TestingPrEP is a daily pill that can prevent HIV. Most Ohioans qualify for programs that cover the cost of PrEP and related expenses.
PrEP care about PrEP CareA healthy smile is part of your whole person healthcare. Our dental clinics offer quality, comfortable, and affordable cleanings, fillings, dentures, and more.
Dental about DentalGiving
A tradition from the heart of the AIDS crisis
This biennial art auction emerged from the heart of the AIDS crisis and has raised awareness and funds for HIV medical care, prevention, and advocacy since 1989.
Learn More about Art for LifeGiving
When you join AIDS Walk Ohio, you raise critical funds for HIV services and awareness about the new era of HIV: treatment as simple as one pill a day now makes the virus untransmittable. Be and AWO ambassador!
Learn More about AIDS Walk OhioYour donation travels!
Our Mobile Outreach Vehicle bridges healthcare gaps by bringing testing, education, and resources to rural communities and underserved urban neighborhoods. Your gift keeps us on the MOVe!
Donate about MOVeBlog 3/6/25