Medical, Pharmacy, Mental Health, Recovery, and Dental Care for All | Equitas Health
Click Here Watch: CEO David Ernesto Munar's'Valentine's Day Message
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Our full-service pharmacies are more than just a place to pick up your meds. Trained and caring pharmacists will help you get the most out of your care

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Our Services

We want to offer you a healthcare experience that welcomes you as your whole self – your mind and your body, your sexual orientation and your gender identity, your race and your class, your previous experiences with healthcare and your hopes for the future.

If you need after hours care, please call (833) 378-4827 to speak to a live nurse.

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Affordable Healthcare

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Our Patients

We believe everyone deserves access to quality, affirming, affordable care—and we are grateful to have a community that stands behind, supports and guides our work. Your steadfast support touches people in your own community and across Ohio.