We Are #Healthworthy | Equitas Health

Blog 6/4/19

We Are #Healthworthy

Cue the club mixes! Dust off your pride beads! Check the expiration date on your sunblock! It’s time celebrate!

We love Pride season at Equitas Health because it’s our chance to get out of the exam rooms, off the phones, and into the community. We’ll be at festivals across Ohio and into Kentucky and West Virginia, ready to help you connect to our services and—most importantly—ready to listen to your experiences as LGBTQ+ folks navigating health and wellness care.

We in the LGBTQ+ community take nothing for granted—housing, employment, mental health, the ability to openly present our genders or our families—everything lies in balance. Everything requires maintenance, or self-advocacy, or a personal public awareness campaign. When we gather together at Pride, we share the weight of that work. Our celebrations are the cure for the sting of stigma. They let us to shake off the exhaustion of invisibility and isolation. They are the best parties around and also the best medicine: a reminder of our worth.

Every day, Equitas Health patients and clients tell us that before we can set health goals, before we can engage in care, before we can get tested, or schedule a mammogram, or commit to using condoms, we must first understand ourselves as worthy of health.

So consider Pride season like a prescription: Let’s get out and celebrate who we are! Find community! Connect to services that support our well-being! Remind ourselves as if our lives depended on it: We are healthworthy!

Happy Pride, Ohio!

Bill Hardy

Bill Hardy

President & CEO