Research | Equitas Health

We envision a world in which community-engaged research can promote health equity for LGBTQ+, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) folks and those living with HIV or affected by HIV.


Why does Equitas Health have a research department? How does research matter for LGBTQ+, HIV+, BIPOC communities?

  • Marginalized communities often receive less attention in traditional research.
  • Marginalized communities have historically experienced harm at the hands of research. We can build trust and community through engagement.
  • With a solid research foundation, we learn more about the patients and populations we serve – and how we can serve them better!
  • Research done will be put right back into supporting clinical care and prevention efforts.
  • Few research programs outside of traditional academia are in LGBTQ+/ HIV/ BIPOC population focused clinical organizations.


Current Research Areas

HIV/AIDS, Prep, Breast/Chest Health, Aging, Transgender Health, Tobacco Use in The LGBTQ+ Community, Systems Thinking and Systems Science in Public Health, Health Disparities, Bioethics, COVID-19


Some Current and Past Partnerships:

  • NEST Study with The Ohio State University College of Public Health (syphilis elimination study);
  • National Couples Health Assessment Test (NCHAT), University of Minnesota
  • Virtual Reality as an Education Tool for Elimination of Health Disparities in the Transgender Community, Ohio University Heritage College of Medicine
  • VARIAT Simulation, Nationwide Children’s Hospital (SOGI Training for Ohio Medicaid Providers)
  • Project RESIST (Tobacco Cessation Study with Sexual Minority Women), Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania,
  • The PRIDE Study (Stanford University)
  • The Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital/ College of Nursing, breast/chest cancer and support persons experiences
  • The Ohio State University College of Public Health, tobacco messaging and Ohio Quit Line knowledge


Original Research

Our original research shines a light on the health disparities in the populations we serve – and how to reduce them.

  • Lesbian Health Needs Assessment
  • LGBTQ+ Aging Report
  • Mixed methods study of Negative Experiences of Lesbians in Healthcare Settings
  • LGBTQ+ Bioethics
  • Systems Thinking/ Systems Science and BIPOC and LGBTQ+ health disparities
  • Breast/Chest care among sexual and gender minorities
  • PrEP usage among college students
Midwest SGM Health Research Consortium

The Midwest SGM (Sexual and Gender Minorities) Health Research Consortium is a collaboration between university researchers and community partners who share the common goal of mobilizing facilitating SGM health research with a community engaged focus. Current members represent states, universities, and medical centers across the Midwest. Established in 2019, the Consortium is managed by the Equitas Health Institute.

CRAB (LGBTQ+ Community Research Advisory Board)

CRAB provides an opportunity for the sexual and gender minority community to voice their insight and feedback on the Equitas Health Institute’s research aims and projects.



Want to learn more?

Read up on your reports, publications, conference presentations on INSTITUTE RESOURCES.



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Equitas Health Institute

The education, research, and patient empowerment division of Equitas Health, focused on reducing LGBTQ+, HIV, and BIPOC health disparities.

Conferences & Events

Conferences and events that spark action and build connection around the health issues that matter most to our communities