Equitas Health Institute | Equitas Health

The Equitas Health Institute is the education, research, and patient empowerment division of Equitas Health. Our innovative programs, tailored education solutions, and original research support and empower people living with HIV, the LGBTQ+ community, and BIPOC communities. We bring together public health experts, providers, patients, and community partners to advocate for our communities and better health for all.


Our Work

Education Programs

Transforming community, healthcare, and corporate settings to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion and health.


Exploring, contextualizing, and finding solutions for health disparities in the communities we serve.

& Events

Bringing together providers, researchers, patients, students, and community members around LGBTQ+ and HIV health.

What We Believe

  • Transformative learning and community-engaged research make a difference for communities, employees, and patients.
  • Inclusive workplaces and healthcare settings benefit everyone.
  • Community and patient voices belong at the center of health education and research.

Institute Resources

(Blog, Patient Empowerment Literature, Research Reports)

Keep in Touch!

Sign for our Institute newsletter.

Equitas Health Institute

Our Team

Associate Director of Research

Michele Battle-Fisher, PhD, MPH

Associate Director of Education

Jan Huebenthal, PhD

Program Manager of Evaluation, Research, and Community Initiatives

Sara Heuser

Lead Trainer

Ramona Peel, MA

Education Program Manager

Lindsay Radomski

Research Associate

Stella Sheke