Jasmine C. Marks | Equitas Health

Dr. Jasmine C. Marks (she/her/hers) is an equity and justice practitioner with expertise in aiding organizations and institutions in antiracist/anti-oppressive transformation. Dr. Marks currently serves as the Chief of Leadership Development & Organizational Effectiveness at Equitas Health, where she leads the External Education Team, the Research and Evaluation Team, and the Office of Learning & Development.

Dr. Marks holds over ten years of experience in the field, with her professional experience spanning higher education and non-profit sectors. Her passion for the public good is at the core of Dr. Marks’ work. Daily, she champions equitable access to core human rights, including healthcare and education.

Highlights of her work include prioritizing the support and empowerment of minoritized stakeholders, radically transforming organizational culture, cultivating inclusive educational opportunities, and creating equitable policies and practices.

Dr. Marks’ commitment to social change permeates every aspect of her life. She is a 2020 YWCA Columbus Leadership for Social Change Program graduate and a 2022 LGBTQ+ Leadership Award recipient. She also enjoys working part-time as a consultant.

In addition to leading institutional change, Dr. Marks works with folks at the interpersonal and individual levels as a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and Certified DiSC Coach. She also holds a SHRM-CP credential and a Doctor of Education in Educational Studies from The Ohio State University.